In honor of Final Fantasy X's 10th anniversary my brother and I unmask its story. Sure FFX is original and in my opinion the best game ever but within its main story lies another. Final fantasy x consist of several Biblical allusions as well as historical references! That not only add spice to the game it also indirectly criticizes religion. You'd be surprised to know that one of the best Final fantasies ever is based on a story you've heard and know all too well. SO! without further ado
Here are some of the references we've found.
-The creature "Sin" won't leave until the people atone for all the bad things they have done. This is a reference to the idea that we must repent for our sins for the world to be better.
-Sin looks like some kind of sea creature, some kind of giant whale-like monster with front legs. At first glance it may look random, but it's actually an allusion to a story in The Bible. Jonah in The Bible
was swallowed by a great sea creature specially created by God. In FFX at the beginning Tidus gets swallowed by Sin and taken to Spira. The large fish-like creature, Sin, was created by Yu Yevon, who is the God figure in the story. Sin then vomits Tidus as the fish-like creature did Jonah in The Bible.
(not to say that Tidus is meant to be Jonah)
was swallowed by a great sea creature specially created by God. In FFX at the beginning Tidus gets swallowed by Sin and taken to Spira. The large fish-like creature, Sin, was created by Yu Yevon, who is the God figure in the story. Sin then vomits Tidus as the fish-like creature did Jonah in The Bible.
(not to say that Tidus is meant to be Jonah)
-YEVON in FFX is a divine name, which sound slightly like JEHOVAH which is the name of God in christianity. Yevon is the one who taught people what they should and shouldn't do.
-According to the story in Exodus, God inscribed the ten commandments onto two stone tablets.Moses brought the teaching to the people in these tablets.In final fantasy x,Yu Yevon, is said to have brought the teachings to all of Spira. In the final battle Yu Yevon has 2 large stones by his side with strange writing on them.This is an allusion to the bible.

-Yu Yevon has a symbol that looks a lot like an eye. This represents the all seeing eye ( or the Eye of Providence) usually representing God's eye watching over humans and the world.
-The TRINITY symbol, looks just like the symbol Jecht and Tidus have ( if we flip the trinity symbol upside-down). they represent the "The father, The son, and holy spirit" (Jecht, Tidus, and Auron) both Jecht and Tidus are "dreams" they aren't human (even if they were back in their time) they are super natural. Auron is no longer human either, he's a ghost/spirit that did not leave this world even after his death. They represent the Trinity.(The father, Son, and Holy Spirit)

-The TRINITY symbol, looks just like the symbol Jecht and Tidus have ( if we flip the trinity symbol upside-down). they represent the "The father, The son, and holy spirit" (Jecht, Tidus, and Auron) both Jecht and Tidus are "dreams" they aren't human (even if they were back in their time) they are super natural. Auron is no longer human either, he's a ghost/spirit that did not leave this world even after his death. They represent the Trinity.(The father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
-The destruction of the al-bhed HOME is an allusion to the bible story of the destruction of SODOM.
The al-bhed Home was attacked by the Yevon believers/ followers mainly because the al-bhed were non-believers and were seen as "corrupt" and immoral people for using machina, which were banned by Yevon.
Some of the al-bhed along with yuna's guardians escape on an airship, and destroy the city with a great explosion. In the destruction of SODOM the city is destroyed "The Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah - from The Lord out of the heavens. Thus He overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in those cities - and also the vegetation in the land. "(Genesis 19:23-26)
A big explosion destroyed the city, a city which was seen as the city of the "immorals"
-Anima seems be an allusion to the pharaoh in the bible. He is mummy-like with the bandages around the head, and seems to be in some kind of coffin, the position of his hands matches that of pharaoh's when they are dead. He also has some kind christian-like symbol around the neck. Anima has attacks like "pain" and seems to be in constant suffering, symbolizing the pain of all the horrible things the pharaoh experienced as punishment.
The Apostles… I mean the guardians and their summoners!
Yuna is on a mission to rid the world from "sin" she is willing to sacrifice her life to save the people of Spira. When Yuna is asked to perform the Sending in Kilika we see the cutscene "The dance" where Yuna briefly walks on water . Sound Familiar? Yuna represents Jesus in FFx. Like Jesus, Yuna starts her journey with four followers. Also, Yuna was born in Bevelle which sound slightly similar to Bethlehem, Jesus' birthplace.
-Jesus had12 apostles. If you add up all the summoners and guardians Yuna meets throughout her pilgrimage we come up to 12.
-she is betrayed by ISAARU. He turns against Yuna and fights her in the "via Purifico" . Jesus is betrayed by Judas iscariot not only are their actions similar but so are their names (ISAARU and ISCARIOT).
-Yuna and her guardian end up being branded "enemies of Yevon". Jesus also became hated by those in power.
-Kimahri alludes to the apostle James the greater. James was a man of few words and very short tempered. Kimahri shares the same characteristics. He isn't a character of many words, he doesn't speak until much later in the game, and even then he speaks very little. Kimahri shows that he's short-tempered when he attacks Tidus in Besaid FOR NO APPARENT REASON. He is also deeply committed to Yuna,he has taken care of her since she was seven years old. James was said to be deeply committed to Jesus.
- Wakka is similar to the apostle Andrew. Andrew is known for bringing Peter to Jesus. In FFX Wakka brings Tidus to Yuna who represents Jesus. Wakka is one of the four followers Yuna starts her journey with and Andrew was part of the core group.
-Lulu alludes to the apostle John. John is the third apostle on the core group.Lulu is the third guardian to join Yuna in her pilgrimage Kimahri being the first and Wakka being the second. John is described as judgmental and later on loving. Lulu is judgmental towards Wakka and Tidus as seen when Wakka first brings Tidus to Yuna. But later on she becomes nicer to Tidus as she answers unasked questions and does not judge him for not knowing about Spira's customs.
- Tidus is similar to Peter the apostle. Peter is known for being the apostles who is closest to Jesus.With time Tidus becomes the guardian who is the closest to Yuna. Peter was brought to Jesus by andrew like Tidus was brought to Yuna by Wakka. Peter has been described as impulsive, Tidus shows this quality, one example is when he rushes into the Temple at Besaid saying "Like I care!" after he was told it was forbidden. Another one is when Tidus yells at the Lucagoers when they arrive at Luca for the blitzball tournament.
-Auron is both courageous and doubtful this is also how Thomas the apostle is described. Auron is doubtful of trusting Jetch at first as we see in the Jetch's Spheres. Auron is courageous because he alone tried to defeat Lady Yunalesca at Zanarkand. Thomas was the apostle who encouraged the disciples to go with Jesus to Bethany even if it meant death… Seriously? Auron is the only guardian who encourages Yuna and her guardians to go to Zanarkand even though he knows Yuna will die.

Rikku's alliance surprises the people of Spira as we can see by the guards reaction when Rikku tries to enter Macalania Temple.( RIkku has chosen the life of honor like Matthew)
-Barthello is clearly meant to be Bartholomew the apostle because of their similar names. But their similarities do not stop there. Batholomew is described as straightforward and honest, Barthello possesses these qualities as can be seen when he first meets Auron in Djose Temple's cloister of trials. He walks towards Auron and admits that he's a big fan, and that auron is the reason he became a guardian.
-Dona is Simon the Zealot even though not much is known from either one we do know that the moral of Simon's story in the Bible is "if we are willing to give up our plans for the future we can participate in Jesus' plans". In FFX Dona gives up her pilgrimage in the airship giving up her plans for the future allows her to finally accept Yuna.
-Pacce is similar to Philip the apostle. For those of you who don't remember Pacce he is Isaaru's youngest brother. When Tidus first meets Pacce in the Djose Temple Pacce doesn't stop asking question. Both Pacce and Philip are known for asking questions.
ISAARU is Judas. Their actions are similar Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot like Yuna is betrayed by Isaaru ( he fights her in the "Via purifico"). Not only are their actions similar but so are their names (ISAARU and ISCARIOT)
History References
Crusaders- The Crusaders in FFX are a group of people who fight sin to keep the creature away from towns and cities. In a way the crusaders fight sin to try to regain control of Spira. During a mission the crusaders team up with the Al-bhed and use forbidden machina. Measter Seymour and kinoc both give the crusaders their blessing. In history the Crusades was a Holy war to regain the holy land of Israel, even though killing is forbidden as stated in the ten commandments the high priest and pope gave their blessing to their soldiers.
IMPORTANT!! Authors' message
My brother and I have found these references and even though we've found a lot we wish you would contribute to our findings. If you have anything you have found please share it with us.
As for Maroda and Belgemine we suspect that they are one of the apostles but information to back this up has not been found if you have this information again please share it with us!!
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- Keiri and Kendry Diaz